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5 Tips To Get Your Winter Body Ready For Summer

healthshero healthyhabits mamaselfcare readyforsummer springcleanse springdetox summerbody weightloss Apr 17, 2021

Are you ready to get your winter body ready for summer?

I know I am! This past year has been crazy for so many of us! I have definitely put on a few pounds and I'm ready to start making some healthy changes! 

Here are 5 Tips to help you get started:

1. Focus on One Area Only. For example, exercise,  healthy eating, stress management/ self-care, drinking more water, or more sleep. Many people make the mistake at trying to change too many areas and it's too challenging to keep up and end up returning to their old habits. So pick one and focus your energy into that area, it will ultimate have a positive ripple effect in all those other areas as well. 

2. Get Super Clear on Your Why. If your goal is more exercise and your WHY  is because you would like to lose some weight to look good in your shorts or bathing suit, it might not be a BIG enough why. If you're alarm goes off at 5:30 to workout, you might find yourself hitting the snooze or turning it off because stretchy shorts or a bigger bathing suit can also work. BUT if your why is because you would like to feel good, be more confident, healthier, happier and inspire your kids to do the same, then you will be more motivated to keep taking action. 

3. Don't Wait For Motivation. Motivation ONLY comes to us when we start taking action. I run a community of people who participate in a 10 day cleanse every month. When I start creating the material for that group, I start to get excited. I'll take out my gym clothes the night before, start meal prepping etc... And every action I take gets me more motivated. 

4. Feel The Fear & Do It Anyways! When we start to make changes, fear ALWAYS pops up. "Can I actually do this? Will I fail? This is so hard, I don't know if I can keep this up?" When these limiting beliefs pop up, allow yourself to feel the fear but keep moving forward, keep showing up and doing the work. This is how we create lasting change.

5. Never Miss Two Days In A Row. When making healthy changes never miss 2 days in a row, because that then becomes the new habit. Tony Robbins always says "people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can do in 5 years. Imagine if you focused on this healthy habit for a year? What would that do for you? What would that do for your career? Relationship? Kids? Finances? You see, when we change one area of our life, it will always have a positive ripple effect in every other area of our life. 

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Watch my webinar "Reset Your Body For Summer" Here

If you are interested in getting healthier but not sure where to start, you can book a FREE 15 minute call with me.

I run a 10 day cleanse program every month helping others to build healthy habits.

We do this through whole foods (recipes + grocery list provided), whole food products, daily exercises, daily affirmations, etc... which takes place in my Private Facebook  Accountability Group. 

The results you can expect from the 10-day cleanse are:

  • Craving more fruits & veggies
  • Healthier weight
  • Better recovery from workouts
  • Improved Sleep
  • Healthier skin, nails & hair
  • More energy 
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Improved regularity

Our next 10 Day Cleanse Starts Monday April 26th - Wednesday May 5th, 2021.  

Interested in learning more book a 15 minute call here

Spring is the perfect time to love on your body! 

Wishing you loads of success as you build healthy habits to get ready for summer and beyond!







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