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5 Ways to Protect You & Your Children from Harmful EMFs

Nov 10, 2020

EMF protection plays an important role to our overall health.

EMFs are an invisible stream of energy that negatively impacts your physical, mental and emotional health.

In the past we were only exposed to radiation from x-rays or our microwaves.

We now being exposed to EMFS from our TV, FitBits, Apple watches, wireless headphones, Bluetooth speakers, WIFI, etc…

Here is how EMFs may be affecting you:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Low Libido
  • And even cancer...

When our body is under stress this is will have negative effect on our immune system making us more susceptible to illness and disease.

And EMFs exposure poses a greater threat to our children than adults, as the same amount of radiation is going into their little bodies as it would be going into our bigger bodies.

 In April 2019, Sprint shut down their cellphone tower located outside of an elementary school after several children were diagnosed with cancer. Of course, Sprint denied that their tower caused the cancer, but they shut it down and moved it to another location. Scary, right?!

Here are some ways you can protect you and your loved ones from EMFs:

  1. Buy a protection for your phones and laptops. I bought mine from Defender Shield
  2. In the evening turn your WIFI off
  3. Charge your phones outside of your bedroom in the evenings
  4. Keep your WIFI Router at least 20 feet away from your desk or where anyone sits.
  5. When watching shows on your phone or tablet, download them first and then watch them while your phone is in airplane mode

These are a few ways you can protect your and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMFs.

You got this Health SHEro!


Charlotte xo


Interested in taking your life and health to the next level so you can empower your little ones to do the same? Click here to book your FREE 30 min Health SHEro coaching call. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 



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