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Happiness is Not a Destination, It's a Choice! Here are 5 Tips to Create Happiness Now.

copingwithstress feduptofiredup happiness healthshero holistictreatment lifeafterbreastcancer lifeaftercancer mentalhealth mentalhealthtreatment momburnout womenhappiness womensmentalhealth Nov 23, 2020

Many women long to be happier, they think once they accomplish this or that or get this or that or find the right person or home or job then they’ll finally be happy.

BUT here’s the HUGE problem. Most women don’t realize that happiness is a choice. They don’t understand the incredible power they have to create the life they long for.

Many women go with the flow of life and cope or try to deal the cards they were dealt with at the time.

BUT if you are feeling exhausted, stressed out, this is not the time to go with the flow, it’s time to grab the oars and paddle in the direction you are being called to go in.

Here’s what stops many women from moving forward and taking action so they can take their health, happiness and life to the next level:

  • They don’t know where to start-They feel overwhelmed with all the changes they want to make
  • They don’t know what actual actions they can take to create change in their life. They watch the inspiring documentaries, read empowering self-help books, quotes or affirmations, but now what? How can they use this information to change their life for the better?
  • They feel like they don’t have the time. Creating new small habits or working on yourself doesn’t take all day every day to do. It starts with small consistent changes that leads to HUGE results.
  • They feel like they can’t spend the money on themselves. If your life didn’t change 6 months from now, a year from now, 5 years from now, how would you feel? What’s the cost of not investing in yourself? What’s the cost to your health, happiness, relationships, etc…

The truth is the longer you keep putting your needs & wants off, the worse things will get.

Feeling frustrated, overwhelmed & unfulfilled leads you to think there’s something wrong with YOU &/or your life. Why can things just change? Why can’t this be enough? What can’t I just be happy with what I have?

You might find yourself lying awake at night worried about your future. You begin to lose confidence in yourself, your dreams. Thinking you’ll never do enough or be enough or have enough to feel like you can start feel happy again.

The worst part is the longer you take to put yourself first, the worst you feel and then hope starts to fade away and you’re left thinking is this life? Is this what I was meant to do and feel every day? Then you begin to feel like you are being buried alive with your negative thoughts & beliefs.

Do you want to feel happier, healthier & more fulfilled in life?

Well of course you do! Who wouldn’t?

The real question is HOW do you create that change? HOW to feel happier, healthier & more fulfilled?

I’ve got your covered!

Here are 5 tips to help create more happiness in your life:

 1. Journal-Journaling is like talking to a best friend. It can help you process your emotions and thoughts so we don't bottle them up in our body.

2. Meditation- This allows you to quiet your mind, to calm your central nervous system. It an amazing way to connect with your unconscious mind. This allows us to stay in the present moment so we stop reliving the past or worrying about the future. 

3. Exercise-Emotions are motions. When you move your body releases those feel good hormones. It's one of the fastest ways to feel good! 

4. Healing Diet-What we put into our body has a direct impact on our mood. If we are eating inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, gluten, processed foods, etc... it will have a negative impact on our gut health. Our gut health is crucial to our overall health because this is where we produce serotonin that feel good hormone. 

5. Find Support-This is why I created the Health SHEro- Fed Up to Fired Up Signature Program. It’s a step-by-step program so you can achieve your goals of feeling happier, healthier & more fulfilled quickly.

Here’s what you’ll get inside the Fed up to Fired Up Program:

  • Access to 6 modules (on-demand videos) to help you achieve your goals ASAP-no fluff-straight to the point.
  • Learn 5 Secret Steps to feel happier, healthier & more fulfilled
  • You’ll have 6 worksheets
  • You’ll have a Self-Care Plan
  • You’ll have a Meal Plan
  • Access to a Private Community -who all have similar goals and struggles


  • You’ll have 12 LIVE Q&A calls where you’ll be able to ask me anything to help you dive deeper into your healing ($2,400)
  • You’ll have 6 private 1:1 session/month to come up with an individualized plan to help you succeed asap ($2,400)


Who is the Fed Up to Fired Up Program For?

 Women who are determined to take back control of their life. To feel better, healthier, happier and more successful.

Who are ready to BE more DO more and be a SERVE to others more because as you step into your power as your own Health SHEro you will naturally start inspiring your loved ones to do the same.

You are not here by accident, you were meant to be here, right here, right now.

You are not here by accident, you were meant to be here, right here, right now.

Buy NOW by clicking on the payment plan that works best for you: (CDN $)

1 Payment of $2488.80

6 Payments of $488 


If you are still not sure if you should jump in, I highly recommend to booking a FREE 30-minute Health SHEro coaching call to see if we are good fit for each other.

In this call we’ll

  1. Look at your personal goals, the challenges that you are facing and opportunities you might be missing.
  2. We also uncover any hidden problems that may be sabotaging your success.
  3. We create an action plan together so that you can finally get the results you have been looking for but unable to find on your own.

If we discover that we are not a good fit for each other, I would love to recommend someone else to help you so you can still get the help you need.

To book the call click here: 

 Here's to you finding more happiness! You deserve it Health SHEro! 


Charlotte xo

p.s. Have you joined our Private Health SHERo Tribe on Facebook Yet? 


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